Creative Acoustics and Auralisation

At Studio Jouan, creativity is inherent to the way we work. We are acousticians, engineers, researchers, sound designers and sound artists. We have the experience acquired in the largest international multidisciplinary, acoustic and theatre design agencies as well as the largest acoustic research institutions. We have designed some of the most prestigious concert halls, operas and theatres, museums and galleries, airports and stations as well as luxury developments such as retail or hotels.

Our approach is creative, collaborative whilst using 3D audio and video interactive technology when deemed useful and necessary. Our technical and creative team designs performance spaces that work for orchestras, operators and audiences.

At Studio Jouan, we consider innovation and lateral thinking as fundamental to our continuous development.

We also work on temporary buildings in the context of design festivals or use the experience acquired when we work as independent sound artists. See link to Sebastien previous Sound Art and Temporary Projects.

This creativity allows us to improve our services, innovate the way we work and deliver a design that satisfies the needs of our customers as well as contributing to the design of new spaces for modern audiences.

Our acousticians are experts in auralisation which, when used in a project, helps clients make key decisions and, in turn, achieves acoustic excellence. When identified as needed, we offer auralisation on projects. This is done either by using immersive goggles combined with binaural sound on headphones or by visiting La Sorbonne 3D sound laboratory (ambisonics) ran by Brian Katz. This service allows or clients to experience at design stage what the space will look and sound like.